Thursday 18 June 2015

Magazine Review

When I look over my completed magazine, I spot a few minor things that I could have improved. This first is on the front cover, I feel that I could have added more onto it, the cover could probably do with a little bit more text on it, not much though. When it was actually printed the photos that were enlarged, just three came out a bit blurry which was really annoying but it is only minor so I am happy with it overall.

On the back cover I have small text along the bottom of the page, on the text all but one letter is in capital letters which is a slight annoyance but this is quite hard to see so it isn't that much of a problem. Also on the back covers I did misspell one word which I didn't notice but this is only a minor thing.

Another thing that was quite annoying was the fact that the printing quality of larger weren't the best but they weren't printed that bad but for someone like me who knows a fair bit about how the image is supposed to look like it is quite bad to look at whereas for someone who doesn't know what they are looking for it doesn't look that bad and also from a small distance it doesn't look that bad either.

I would have to say that overall I am quite please with how the magazine actually came out, there were a couple of minor things but these are truly minor so for me it doesn't matter, after reading reviews and listening to what other people have said about it I feel that it does look like quite a professional quality magazine and that was the main thing that I was looking for when creating this magazine.

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