Thursday 25 June 2015

Magazine layout






For my magazine I decided to look over the different choices the website had for a layout and decided to choose this one mainly because this was their template for a football magazine and I believe it was the one that best suited my images that I had taken during this project. When I looked over the template I thought that it look really professional, I did seen a couple of others that looked really good, one I believe was designed as a car magazine but I decided to try and create a magazine using both templates but the other wasn't really the best for what I was trying to accomplish with my work. Though with this it was perfect for my images there may have been a couple of images that were too big for the magazine and they wouldn't let me re-size them which was pretty annoying but I managed to resolve any problems that this caused.

Wednesday 24 June 2015


For my FMP I decided to create a programme all about Burton Albion, I originally began with several ideas such as creating a normal programme for the club and one to celebrate promotion, which at the point wasn't confirmed so I had to generate other ideas just in case the club didn't get promoted, which they did. After the club got promoted I decided to begin designing a programme celebrating the clubs promotion which came out really well. But a couple of days after completing this the league season ended and Burton Albion were confirmed as league champions so I decided to design a programme celebrating the clubs title success and to do this I decided to use the programme I got from the clubs last promotion to help me out.

During the project I managed to get two photo shoots done at the club. The first was the penultimate game of the season and the final home game, with the club already guaranteed promotion there was a party atmosphere the ground which all me to get even more brilliant photos. The second shoot I managed to do was about eight days later when the club came back to their home ground to celebrate winning the league title this was a brilliant shoot for me and really helped me to get even more photographs during this project. I would say at this point I probably already had enough for my programme, but with me doing a programme celebrating the clubs title success having images of the players celebrating the trophy and lifting it as well would have been a huge bonus for the programme and really helped the look of it as well.

Throughout most of the project I used a Canon 1DX and a 70-200m lens but during the trophy presentation I used the same lens but I used a Canon 5D Mark III as this was a last minute shoot and I wasn't able to get any equipment from college but this was probably too big of a lens to use at the players were quite close. I probably should have taken the 24-70mm lens.

Personally I would say that I didn't really run into any problems throughout the project the only problem that I had was the lack of opportunities for photo shoots due to the season almost being at an end. I managed to get to the final home game of the season and the trophy presentation.

I would say that with the photographs that I took Matt Bunn was a massive inspiration to my images as he captures some truly spectacular action shots which I did attempt throughout the project and I did get some to come off pretty well. Another would be John Potts the guy I worked with at Burton Albion his images of the matches are simply amazing his images are better than some in my research and I tried to use his style of photography in my shoots, I spoke to him to try and get as much advice as I could get from him to help me.

Overall I would say that I am really pleased with how everything came out, my final piece I was really pleased with for me it was the perfect image to use and I was really pleased with it. If I was to re-do the project I may have used a different company to publish my programme as the printing of my enlarged images wasn't very good at all it was out of focus but to people who know little or nothing about photography it was probably alright but to me it wasn't.

Friday 19 June 2015

Exhibition Image Review

My image display at the exhibition was fine for me originally the photo was supposed to be in a frame but unfortunately the frame got scratched but it got hung up anyway and it was still perfectly fine when it was actually put up.

I would say that overall I am really pleased with how it looked but I was more pleased with the actual position of the image, it was in the perfect place for me as it was right next to the cafe so when people are drinking or eating they can easily see it.

The actual putting up of the image was quite hard as it kept being moved around but as I look at the place where it ended up, it isn't that bad. Due to the fact that it was held up with bull clips meant that it needed straightening out but after that was done it looked perfectly fine and I am truly pleased with it.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Magazine Review

When I look over my completed magazine, I spot a few minor things that I could have improved. This first is on the front cover, I feel that I could have added more onto it, the cover could probably do with a little bit more text on it, not much though. When it was actually printed the photos that were enlarged, just three came out a bit blurry which was really annoying but it is only minor so I am happy with it overall.

On the back cover I have small text along the bottom of the page, on the text all but one letter is in capital letters which is a slight annoyance but this is quite hard to see so it isn't that much of a problem. Also on the back covers I did misspell one word which I didn't notice but this is only a minor thing.

Another thing that was quite annoying was the fact that the printing quality of larger weren't the best but they weren't printed that bad but for someone like me who knows a fair bit about how the image is supposed to look like it is quite bad to look at whereas for someone who doesn't know what they are looking for it doesn't look that bad and also from a small distance it doesn't look that bad either.

I would have to say that overall I am quite please with how the magazine actually came out, there were a couple of minor things but these are truly minor so for me it doesn't matter, after reading reviews and listening to what other people have said about it I feel that it does look like quite a professional quality magazine and that was the main thing that I was looking for when creating this magazine.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

KIPAX Images

This photograph shows a footballer chasing down the ball. This photograph is a strong image because it focuses very well on the player there is no blur. There is also plenty of blur in the background so that it doesn't distract from the action of the player. I really love this image mainly because it shows the player chasing down the ball and that there are no other players in the shot. This is one of those image that I really think that is brilliant this is mainly due to the fact that it does look like he is on the pitch by himself, this gives a brilliant effect to it and makes it look different to all other football images.
This image shows a player running with the ball, this is an interesting photograph due to the fact that there is no-one in the shot who is chasing the player I presume that had this been taken in landscape then you would have been able to seen some people chasing down the player. This image would have a shutter speed of around 1/750 and a aperture of around f2.8 this would give the image that sharp look that it possesses. With this there is a person in blue and another with a bit of fluorescent green in the background this to me is a bit distracting and would cause me to lose focus on the player this is the only thing that I could really criticise about this photograph other than that it is one of those photos I really enjoy.
This photograph show one player trying to win the ball whilst trying to hold off another at the same time, this image reminds me of one I took at Burton Albion. (Linked at the bottom) One thing that I would criticise about this image is the fact that neither the advertising boards or the crowd are out of focus they are quite distracting but if the background wasn't blurred it would be a really brilliant image.

Friday 5 June 2015

Andrew Waller

Andrew Waller is a British photographer who takes photographs for the Watford Ladies team, along with this which is where most of his photographers come from, he also takes photos of a local U2 tribute band and of a local rugby team.
This photographs sees Watford playing Yeovil, it shows two players from each side battling for the ball. As the sunlight is minimal he wouldn't need a high ISO around 200 I would guess. He doesn't state on his website which camera uses but it is likely to be either a Canon 1D Mark III, IV or a Canon 1DX. I think that this is a good image mainly because it shows the players trying to usher each other away from the ball. This would have required settings around 1/500 in the shutter speed and f2.8-f5 aperture and ISO of 400.
The second photograph shows two players battling over the ball this is a very strong photograph because it shows the intensity of the match. The photo is a very strong one, something I could notice is the ball isn't completely in the shot and also the advertising boarding in the background is a bit of a distraction, and would be a lot better had it been blurred out a bit, this would have turned it into a much more impressive photograph.

The bottom photo shows one player chasing another to attempt to get the ball. This is in my opinion quite a strong image due to the detail in the image. The main problem with the photo is the fact part of the player, in yellow is missing from the bottom of the photograph. Another thing I can point out is that unlike the other photographs he has actually managed to blurred out the background which is an important part of football photography.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

James Prickett

James Prickett is a football photographer who unlike most of the other photographers he specialises in women's football most of his don't focus around bigger clubs like Andrew Waller who takes pictures of Watford LFC who play in the second division of English women's football expect the bottom photo he very rarely does this.
This photograph shows a player who looks like she is about to score a goal. This photo I love mainly because it shows the goal being scored. This photo was likely taken at a high shutter speed due to high speed of the movement of the action. I would say the speed would have to be at least 1/600 of a second to be able to capture this image. It may not have been taken at this speed but regardless it is still a truly brilliant photograph.
 This photo shows two players battling for the ball. This image shows off all that can happen during a football match the picture has been taken at almost the perfect time. I think that this would have taken at around 1/750 due to the likely high speed of the action but at this point the players would have slowed down at this point to make the tackle but at the speed of this the photographer wouldn't have had time to change their shutter speed on the camera. This is still a really good photo but if the photographer had the settings on auto the shutter speed would not have been at the correct speed to get the correct sort of speed.

This photo like the one above shows a tackle being made like the one above but this photo has been taken just before the tackle is being made. Because of the angle of the players if this photograph had been taken had it been taken when the tackle was actually made this photo wouldn't actually be very good at all as the legs of the player making the challenge would been in the way of the ball and it would be seen. But this is a really brilliant photograph. I have seen a lot of photographs of players making tackles and I have tried to take a lot of good ones myself and this is one of the best.

Friday 22 May 2015

My ideas experimentation

Originally I had planned to look over many different football programmes to try and find out what sort of programme would suit my programme that I would be creating. I eventually decided that I would create a magazine based around a special on the clubs promotion. To help me in designing my programme I got a copy of the programme the last time Burton got promoted, this really helped me when I was designing my programme, I did have a few ideas but this helped me gain more and more ideas when I was creating it.

I thought to myself what could I do, originally the plan was to a programme for the Cambridge United match, the last of the season for both Cambridge and Burton but I decided not to bother as by the time I had completed the programme it would have been over a month since the match ended, so I thought it best not to bother doing this and to do something different, so I decided to base my programme around the clubs promotion and title success as it would be a special occasion for the club.

Football HQS

Football HQS are a company who post their football images onto Tumblr. Their photographers have been to many of the worlds biggest events, as shown by the images below all three were taken during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
 This is the only image of the three that wasn't taken during the 2014 World Cup final. This was most likely taken during the semi-finals, this photo I love mainly because it shows the emotion on the players face. As the player is most likely not moving or moving slowly so as most photographers normally a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70mm or a 24-105mm lens to take it. This photo may have more simple than most football photographs but it doesn't take away any of the brilliance of the photograph. This photo is one of the best photographs I have seen mainly due to the pure emotion on the face of the player. I believe this photograph was taken just after this players team, Argentina made the World Cup final so you can fully understand why the player would be showing this short of emotion.
This photo shows the German goalkeeper and an Argentine player going for the ball. This shows the goalkeeper almost taking out the Argentine player. I really love this photo mainly because it shows how desperate the players are to win the match and to get to ball. This photo would most likely have been taken on a 1DX or 1D Mark IV when it comes to Nikon cameras I wouldn't know what sort of camera would be required as I only shoot on Canon. I would say this is likely to have been taken at 1/500 in terms of shutter speed. This one photo in my opinion shows off what can happen in football and it also shows that you are capable of getting truly incredible photographs such as this.
This photo above is probably one of the best I have seen mainly because it shows the pure emotion on the face of the player after he scored the goal that won the World Cup for his team. This would have occurred quickly so the shutter speed would have been fast but not as fast if were a goal as that would have occurred at a much quicker speed I would guess this was taken at around 1/250-1/500 of a second. This photo is easily the best of a player celebrating that I have ever seen, this would be a photo I would taken inspiration from when I take my football images to try and produce something similar when a player celebrates.

Friday 15 May 2015

Matt Bunn

Matt Bunn is a British photographer who is best known for his football images. Matt works for Corbis Images and has taken a wide range of football photographs from England internationals to the lower leagues of English professional football.
This photos is probably one of the best football photos I have seen, it has the ball and he player perfectly in focus and there is no major blur on the ball, this would have required a shutter speed of around 1/750 of a second the f number would have probably been either 3.5 or 5, when I take photos similar to this they normally on f5 with a shutter speed at eight 1/750 or 1/1000. Since its isn't that sunny where the photo is being taken I would guess that the ISO settings are likely to be around 200, this is probably the ISO I would use for this photo.
This photo shows a goalkeeper trying to save a shot, this is probably the best football photographs I have ever seen, this is because Matt has capture the ball as it passes the hand of the goalkeeper. Looking at it Matt would have been at the other end of the pitch so he would have had to have a large zoom lens on his camera, I would say it is likely that he has taken this and all of his images shown here with a Canon 1DX, he doesn't specify this on his website though. This incident would have occurred very quickly so he would have required a very fast shutter speed around 1/1000 of a second to be able to capture this as well. It might just be the computer but it does look a little grainy, whereas if it was in a programme it would look perfectly fine but this isn't a major problem for the image.
This image shows two players in the same game as the one above battling for the ball. This is also is one of his best image as it shows the tackle being made as some attempts of these sorts of images do actually miss the tackle or the ball is out of shot, whereas here he has the ball in shot perfectly and the tackle is being made. This incident would also have occurred quite quickly so Matt would have had to be using quite a quick shutter speed to be able to capture it, I would guess around 1/500 or 1/750 of a second, not of much as the top image.

After looking over a lot of Matt's different photography that he has done at football matches, he truly is one of the best football photographers around at the moment and I am sure I have not seen some of his work that is even bettered than this, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are many better images as that is the sort of photographer Matt is.

Magazine evaluation

When creating my magazine, I had a couple of ideas of what I could do for it, to gain inspiration I decided to get a programme that was created the last time that the club got promoted. I looked through this and thought to myself what could I do to my programme to make it look as professional as the ones they produced. I feel that the one I have produced is pretty good as well. The plan for the programme was to do a month-by-month review of the season as is normal with these sorts of magazines. So what I did was I went on to the BBC Sport website to find all of the clubs fixtures for the current season, and using these and what I can remember from the games I went to, to create the review of the season. Unfortunately I didn't go to games in every month of the season, so for the early months of the season the photos aren't from the months they are part of but for the months of November, December and all from February until the end of the season are from the months indicated during the season review. When it came to the middle of the programme, I decided that the best thing to do was to put in a photo on the double page with the twitter hashtag they were using #BAFCareChampions. I decided to write a few words before the review and throughout I used different quotes that managers Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, Gary Rowett or assistant manager Kevin Summerfield had said to BBC Radio Derby and also a few words the chairman said to the Burton Mail following promotion.

I would have to say that I am really happy of how it has come out, as long as it looks as good when I get a copy of it then it will be a really successful programme.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Getty Images

Getty Images are a company who photograph a very wide range of football matches they have photographers at a pretty much every major game.

This first image shows two players battling for the ball in a game, the sort of shutter speed that would have to be used wouldn't have been that quick as the two players at this point wouldn't have been moving that quickly, but the photographer probably would have had a high shutter speed at a likely minimum of 1/500 of a second to capture the players when they were in full sprint.
Here the players are not likely to have been moving that quick so you wouldn't need a quick shutter speed but because the action before it was moving quite quickly the photographer is likely to have been shooting using a fast shutter speed, one of around 1/250 could easily get this as they have done during the action the speed would have likely to have been around 1/500 of a second. I feel that regardless of shutter speed used this would have created a brilliant image like the one he has got.
This image would have been taken at a fast shutter speed this would have to be done because the ball is likely to have been moving at such a speed that a high shutter around 1/750 to 1/1000 a second would have to be required to get this image, you can attempt it at 1/500 of a second but it probably wouldn't be anywhere near as good, it might bean ok photo, but it is not worth risking it.

Rob Sambrook

Rob Sambrook is a football photographer who is the official photographer for Colchester United. As I am created a programme looking over his images are likely to help so that I know what goes into it.

This image would have been taken with a high shutter speed this is because if he hadn't the ball would have been blurred because of the speed it is travelling it is likely that the shutter speed would have probably been around 1/1000 a second it will be at least set at 1/500th of a second. In my opinion I feel that this is a really good photograph as he has managed to get the ball in shot without any major motion blur on the ball. The image also has a narrow depth of field as it blurs out the crowd the only thing about it is some of the crowd are wearing quite colourful shirts and are a little bit distracting but it isn't a major distraction.

This image would not have required as fast a shutter speed as the top image as a shot is not being taken though as the players are probably running so the speed would probably be set around 1/500th of a second. This image is made better by the background being blurred out and no real distracting elements in it. What I like about this photo is it shows a lot going on with one player with the ball trying to get away from another. The only thing about this that I could criticise is the fact that the bottom of the ball and part of the players feet are missing and that is a little bit annoying.

Marc Aspland

Marc Aspland is a photographer who is best known for his Premier League and international football photography.
This first image is of a match between QPR and Man City, here the photographer would have had to use a very high shutter speed in excess of 1/750 of a second especially if the keeper hit the ball out of the net, this is because the shot and the reactions would have occurred very quickly and the photographer would have had to take a couple of images quickly and then achieved this specific image.
This image wouldn't have been as difficult as the top image to capture. This is because the action wouldn't as quick as the top image but as he jumps into the air celebrating would have occurred quite quickly and this is where the photographer would have had to have a quick shutter speed to be able to capture the player whilst still in the air and I feel that they have Marc has done a really good job in capturing the photograph as he has done as it is easy to try and capture this image and get it wrong and the player is blurred.
This technique used in this image, tilt-shift give it the effect that it looks like an inanimate object like a toy someone has put together but this is an actual England match at Wembley. This technique is not often used at football matches, but I do feel that it would be brilliant if more photographers attempted this at football games. This makes the photos really interesting, I would love to see more photographers and not just Marc attempt this sort of image at football matches.

Photo Shoot 2 Evaluation

The second photo shoot I did was at Burton Albion after the final day of the season as they were presented the trophy as champions and celebrated with the fans.
This image was one of my favourite from the shoot as it shows the players lifting the trophy, this was one of my main priorities when I was shooting. This image was perfect for the middle of my programme as a similar style to what the club had in the middle of the actual programme.
This was a pretty good image it was not as sharp as I would have wanted it on the players behind the board, but on the player spraying the champagne it is exactly how I would have wanted it, but despite this I still really like the image. If it was sharper on the other players then I would really love the image and it would be one that I could have considered for the front or back cover of the magazine nonetheless it does feature in the magazine as I felt it needed a place in the programme.
This was my favourite photo from the entire shoot, this is because all of the players in the image are actually looking at me as I took the photo. This was easily going to be used in my programme at some point, I didn't know exactly where I could use it but I decided to go through it and try and find a place for it. I did find a place for it and I feel it was the best place for it.

Overall I would say that the shoot was brilliant I did find out on the actual day of the shoot I would be able to do it which was brilliant. Just being able to go to the ground on the day was a brilliant experience especially with it being Burton Albion, I enjoyed every moment of the experience and got some brilliant photographs for the project and for my portfolio.